Ah, the sunshine today makes me feel hopeful that Spring is on its way. I also feel, like the bears, that I may be coming out of hibernation.
Therefore, my memory kicked in and I realized this Blog has not said "Happy Birthday" to anyone since December. So let's correct that now.
"Happy Belated Birthday" to Leon Overbay, below. I am not
privy to how many years Leon has on him, but I don't think it's 80 in spite of the number of years he's been a storyteller. Sorry about how fuzzy the photo looks, Leon.
February saw two birthdays that we forgot--Judy Butterfly on the 12th
(Another fuzzy pic, unfortunately.) Judy is a brand new member of BCS, clowns on the side, and is anxious to begin telling. She's not 80 either!
Mary Grace Walrath celebrated her ??? on the 22nd
(I don't think it was 80!) M.G. has been telling stories in her work as a tour guide in Jonesborough, TN but not for 80 years! She lives in Piney Flats which is closer to Bristol.
All three of the above tellers also belong to the Jonesborough Storytellers Guild.
"Happy Birthday" to Rocky Rockwell who reached 80 yesterday. He doesn't tell nearly as much as
he used to, but up until 5 years ago, he could always be depended on to tell a tale, off stage or on.
Two more birthdays will be coming up in March, Chris Vickers on March 13 and Glen Williams on March 30. Don't forget them!
And since they celebrate birthdays on April 1, I'll mention Diana Conco and Mimi Rockwell who share that infamous date! Both are passionate story aficionados and do everything they can to help BCS grow.
If you're reading this Blog sometimes, sign up as a "follower." It makes for better public relations to show a good following. Mimi