BCS Annual Christmas Lunch, Dec. 4, at Ryan's
Clockwise starting at lower left:
Joyce Moore, Glen Williams, Becky and Chris Vickers, Pat Musselman, her daughter Faith with baby and husband; G. Lee Hearl, Mimi Rockwell, Carl Jenkins with his wife Jody, Diane Conco. Taking picture was Paul Conco.
Thirteen people attended the annual BCS Chjristmas lunch yesterday. Ryan's is always fun since there's a huge variety of food and it's an all-you-can-eat serve-yourself restaurant.
After we were all stuffed, we got down to business. G. Lee asked for volunteers who would be willing to tell stories for no compensation in order to publicize BCS. Four tellers volunteered. He plans to have some gigs set up by Spring.
Glen Williams shared information about Heritage TV which is a local channel produced by BVU-OptiNet. Advertising is very reasonably priced and there is opportunity to have some video presentation time coming up also at a reasonable price. A motion was made, seconded, and passed that BCS pay the minimum amount of $5 for advertising during January.
Pat Musselman shared information about the SBPaul Art Gallery and a temporary arrangement she has made with the owner for BCS to tell there once a month for six months. (However, today Pat sent out an e-mail saying there is a problem and the Gallery may be moving, so this plan is put on hold for the time being.)
Mimi Rockwell reported about plans for Old Christmas and asked for volunteers to help. Pat Musselman assisted by Joyce Moore will do the refreshments, and Becky Vickers will do the decorations.
The meeting adjourned, individual members stayed on to chat and eat a little more dessert, and unfortunately some members had to go off to work. Our next event will be Old Christmas to be held at the Bristol Library on Jan. 10 at 2:15 p.m.
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