On Feb. 16, we met for our first general meeting of 2011 at the Bristol Public Library. Nominations from the floor for new officers were provided, a vote was taken, and the new Director for BCS is Pat Musselman.
Becky Vickers was elected as Treasurer and Jackie Summers as Secretary.
Above is Becky Vickers. Unfortunately, we have no picture of Jackie Summers in our file.
Mimi Rockwell will continue with advertising
and Carl Jenkins will take over the job of Public Relations and Marketing
and Sam Samuel will be his Assistant
In addition, Glen Williams and Sarah Williams will become the new webmasters for the BCS website.
This is Glen; no picture available for Sarah.
The rest of the meeting was devoted to setting dates and themes for upcoming programs as well as encouraging attendance at nearby workshops and preparing for advancing in their storytelling techniques.
An interesting addition to our meeting was the visit by the library security guard who is a tall tale teller. He told us a quick tale and we all encouraged him to join our group.
We want to express our great appreciation and best wishes to our outgoing officers, G. Lee Hearl as Director and Joyce Moore as Secretary. You hung in with the group and kept it going in the right direction. We can't thank you enough.
G.Lee Hearl Joyce Moore
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