It was unanimous last Thursday night, May 21, when members of BCS voted in G. Lee as our new Director. G. Lee has asked Joyce Moore to stay on as Secretary and Pat Musselman to stay as Treasurer. Pat has agreed since some of the stressors in her life have resolved themselves and she wants to be as supportive of G. Lee as possible.
I have been asked to keep the website, up to date. Other than that, I plan to lay back awhile and give my attention to Rocky and my health issues. I will prepare a ghost story so I can participate in Graveyard Tales if called upon. My intent now is to refrain from any obligations unless I know I have a back-up who can substitute for me if at the last minute I cannot attend.
Doug Morrell and Terry Benz were the main storytellers at our Java J's program Thursday night.
Doug told a story about a dangerous curve he once lived on and all the cats that were "dumped" near his home just beyond the curve. Terry told two stories, one a ghostly story that involved Margaret Mitchell, the author of Gone With the Wind, and a little boy who was having a joke played on him.
His second story took me back to my childhood as he told about The Lone Ranger. Terry put his radio voice to good effect as he imitated the radio announcer, and closing my eyes, I could pretty much re-live the childhood experience.
G. Lee closed the evening by playing a couple of songs on the auto harp and sharing one brief tale.
The evening was a gentle closing to my 12-year reign as Director and an enthusiastic beginning to what we hope will be at least an equally long reign to our new Director. I will continue to keep up this blog but it will be subjective from my point of view and not be anything "official."